Metanoia - A Change of Heart...

Published on 3 January 2025 at 10:55

A Call for Justice, Truth, and a Change in ESAC

By Chief Francis C. Ogbuke. The Cubicles Den. 'Mildly edited' by Uzo O.


In our world today, where chaos often overshadows morality, it is imperative to question the instincts we blindly follow. “Crucify him, crucify him,” they shouted, oblivious to the truth until it was too late. This age-old narrative reflects a grim pattern—a tendency to demonize individuals and bury their voices under collective deceit and manipulation. This attitude, deeply ingrained in human nature, must now be addressed.

The case at hand—the crux of our contention—is the unbecoming character displayed by individuals within the ESAC Organization. Campaign of calumny , gossip, unaccountability, envy, selfishness, intolerance, and greed have taken root, forming a culture of deceit, slander, and duplicity. These vices not only tarnish the integrity of ESAC but also serve as a poor reflection of our shared humanity. How can we continue exporting these destructive behaviors to other parts of the world and expect positive change?

The case at hand—the crux of our contention—is the unbecoming character displayed by individuals within the ESAC Organization. Campaign of calumny , gossip, unaccountability, envy, selfishness, intolerance, and greed have taken root, forming a culture of deceit, slander, and duplicity. These vices not only tarnish the integrity of ESAC but also serve as a poor reflection of our shared humanity. How can we continue exporting these destructive behaviors to other parts of the world and expect positive change?


As we step into the new year, it is time for self-reflection. Year after year, we make promises to God and one another, only to turn into monsters against ourselves. Who is responsible for this regression? None other than us—our self-centeredness and unwillingness to embrace accountability. The mentality of “if it’s not me, let it not be anyone else” has poisoned our collective spirit.

Now, as a significant meeting looms, past grievances will inevitably surface. Yet, instead of addressing these matters with honesty, lies and deceit are already being prepared to fill the gaps. Conscience, once a guide to truth, is being eroded by falsehoods and justifications for wrongdoing. Can we, for once, stand for the truth, irrespective of whom it affects?

The time has come to shame the devil and rise above personal interests. Within the ESAC Organization, a righteous individual is being trampled upon by a few elites for standing firmly for justice and truth. This corporate gang-up must end. Truth and justice are not negotiable; they are the pillars of any meaningful existence.


The ESAC people demand:

1. Justice for the Oppressed: Let every voice, especially that of the righteous, be heard and respected.

2. Accountability: Every member of the ESAC Organization must answer for their actions without resorting to lies and manipulations.

3. Transparency: Discussions and decisions must be rooted in truth, free from the shadows of hidden agendas.

5. We recommend Straight-faced-words not rhetoric

4. A Change of Heart (Metanoia): This is not just about reforms but a complete transformation of character. It is time to move from selfishness to selflessness, from deceit to honesty, and from division to unity.


Let us call a spade a spade. It is not enough to bicker about our collective well-being while engaging in practices that harm it. The future demands better, and the time for that better future is now. Let us embrace truth, uphold justice, and transform our hearts for the good of all.

Justice is not just a virtue; it is a responsibility. Let us carry it out with dignity and courage.


Wishing All the Best of year 2025!!

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